
Everyone knows how bad a skunk’s spray smells, but even worse is smelling it on your dog! Even if you have never experienced this problem, or don’t even have a pet, knowing how to get rid of the nasty smell is a must! Most products or other skunk odor solutions just cover up the smell, however all you need is a few household products to remove the odor. Chemist Paul Krebaum came up with the solution in 1993 that causes a chemical reaction that breaks up the oils and neutralizes the odor. paul krebaum

What you will need:

  • Rubber or latex glovessolution
  • 1 quart hydrogen peroxide
  • 1/4 cup baking soda
  • 1-2 teaspoons of Dawn soap
  • Lukewarm water (if needed for larger dogs)
  • Sponge or washcloth (if needed)
  • Towel
  • Treat!

How to get rid of the skunk smell:

  1. As soon as you realize you or your friend’s dog has been sprayed, put on some rubber or latex gloves and look for any bites or scratches. If any injuries are found, contact your veterinarian first before proceeding.
  2. Time is very important when dealing with this problem. The longer you wait to begin the process, the harder it will be to remove the stench. Set up an area to bathe your pet in and if indoors. be sure to open a window so the smell is easier to handle!
  3. Do NOT soak your dog with water prior to bathing. Promptly begin cleansing the affected areas thoroughly, massaging the solution deep into your dogs coat. You may wish to use a sponge or washcloth. Avoid getting the solution in the eyes, ears or mouth.
  4. In a plastic container, combine 1 quart hydrogen peroxide, 1/4 cups baking soda and 1-2 teaspoons of liquid Dawn soap. Add lukewarm water if needed (for larger dogs). Mix well. The solution will fizz as the chemical reaction is occurring. Use immediately-do not store.
  5. Allow the solution to remain on your dog for at least five minutes (longer if strong odor persists).
  6. Rinse your dog well with lukewarm water. Repeat steps 3-5 as necessary until odor is gone.
  7. Dry your dog and give her a treat!


  • Never place the solution in a closed container or spray bottle, as the pressure will build up and the container could burst. This could cause serious injury.
  • Do NOT use higher concentrations of hydrogen peroxide or substitute “similar” products. The altered chemical reaction could cause severe injury to you and your dog.
  • Be certain you use fresh hydrogen peroxide, as it becomes less concentrated over time.
  • The solution may be used on clothing or other fabric, however it can have a mild bleaching effect on some materials.
  • To avoid future meetings between your dog and skunks, avoid leaving food outside and make sure garbage cans are well-secured.